Ball Puncture Repair Kit India

If your school or club in India is spending too much time and money replacing balls that have been damaged, then you need our ball puncture repair kit!

Customers love how quick and easy this product is to use – teams around the world trust Ball Doctor to fix their footballs, basketball and any other valve inflatable balls (without a bladder) that they rely on. Rather than having to purchase a brand-new ball to replace one that has a leak, choose to revive it in a matter of minutes and protect it from future punctures. Our product is available in different sizes to suit the individual needs of our customers, ranging from a single 1oz pack to a full gallon that can repair over 100 balls. This makes Ball Doctor the ideal option for everyone, whether you have just one ball that needs attention, or are planning to repair many more in the future. As well as sporting applications, this product can be used to fix punctured bicycle, trailer and motorcycle tyres with ease.

How to use the Ball Doctor puncture repair kit

The success and popularity of this product is largely down to just how simple and fast the process is.

Simply insert the tip of the supplied syringe into the ball valve, depress the plunger and squirt the Ball Doctor resin inside. Shake the ball for a few seconds, pump up the air pressure and bounce the ball vigorously for several minutes – until you’re sure the resin has filled the puncture – then you’re ready to play!

Our ball puncture repair kit is available to buy in India and worldwide, get in touch to find out more today!

Call 01702 718940 or contact our team online if you require any assistance with your order and we’ll be happy to help.